This product works beyond what I expected and it doesn't make me sick to my stomach! Affordable and effective, I am curious however of the "herbal blend". I find it hard to believe that a natural supplement works longer and better than an actual drug because I tried every natural remedy for ED and nothing worked, Sildenafil/Viagra works but makes me sick to my stomach, and gives me bad headaches, but a gas station worker recommended Candy Power to me, said her man uses it and in 30 mins or so he is all go. I tried it and I'm not using anything else. My woman literally was like " whatever in the world has gotten into you, I like it babe". The best part is I don't have to take it all the time. It last for days in my system and I'm not walking around with a boner that won't go down. I get in the mood and it kicks in. What I'm climaxed and relaxed I'm soft again, but if she want's a round 2 or 3 it kicks right back in! What's really in this stuff. Lol